Steven Gray representing the Friends of the Maitai presented the following set of slides to the Nelson City Council's Environment Committee. The Nelson Mail covered the presentation in the article you can get to from this … [Read more...]
Iwi ‘locked into’ forestry land linked to river damage
By KATY JONES Iwi have little option but to keep forestry on land handed back by the Crown, a top of the south iwi says. As the forestry industry faces criticism for the environmental impact of some of its operations, Ngati Koata says the structure of its settlement deal gave it little room to … [Read more...]
NZ needs to plant more trees to combat climate change – but what kind and where?
By Rebecca Macfie To counter climate change, New Zealand must vastly increase its area of forestry. But as recent disasters show, not all trees are created equal. July 2017 had been an unusually wet month on Banks Peninsula, where landowners Philip King and Sarah Lovell-Smith own the historic … [Read more...]
Council retires forestry blocks amid national shake up of forestry practices
Article by Stuff reporter Katy Jones Nelson City Council is retiring more than a fifth of its forestry blocks and building a wetland along the Maitai River, in response to concerns about the environmental impact of forestry practices locally and nationwide. The council last week released Niwa … [Read more...]
Forestry linked to damaging sediment in Nelson river
Pine forest plantations are "probably" contributing a disproportionate amount of damaging fine sediment into Nelson city's Maitai River, new research says. Recently harvested or replanted forestry land was a substantial source of sediment in the Maitai and tributaries in its upper and middle … [Read more...]