The River Monitoring group works with Nelson City Council and other organizations to establish a robust community monitoring system.
In particular the group is involved in NIWA’s National Community Stream Monitoring Study and Paul Fisher (Nelson City Council) is helping out to insure our data is up to standard.
Every month we monitor a site by Riverside Pool and carry out a number of water quality and stream habitat measurements.
We also plan to monitor selected sites on the Brook Stream, Sharlands Creek and Groom Creek.
Anyone can take part in the monitoring and there are plenty of experienced members to show new people how to take the measurements and observations .
Some members of the group assisted in the national freshwater fish survey throughout March this year and have carried on helping out with the fish surveys at Almond Tree Flat and Waahi Taakaro Golf Club Fords to determine their affects on fish migration up and down the river.
For more information about our group please contact Tom Kennedy :
If you are interested in joining this group please click here for the volunteer form.
NIWA’s publication “Freshwater Fish Spawning and Migration Periods” is designed to help people working near freshwater to minimise effects of their work on freshwater fish species.
Click Freshwater Fish Spawning and Migration Periods to download.