The Nelson City Council have made a submission on the NES-PF National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry.
The summary from the NCC website is as follows
“The proposed NES-PF would override existing council rules relating to plantation forestry and replace them with a national standard with narrowly defined scope for councils to set more stringent rules. Some areas of the proposal have significant implications for the Nelson region and Council’s statutory and community responsibilities including:
- Achieving the freshwater objectives and limits set by the stakeholder working groups for each of the freshwater management areas (Maitai, Stoke, and North Nelson).
- The protection of significant natural areas (SNAs) where they are not mapped in the Nelson Resource Management Plan.
- The time and resources necessary to review plans and make necessary changes, and ensure appropriate alignment across our region.
- Funding implications for Council’s requirement to monitor and report on the permitted activities.”
For more information please see the NCC website
To read the NCC submission click this link NCC submission National-Environmental-Standard-for-Production-Forestry
Forest and Bird have also made a submission, to read their submission click on this link Forest and Bird Submission on proposed NES PF