The Friends of the Maitai and Jo Martin of the Nelson City Council did a presentation about the Project Maitai/Mahitahi at the 2016 New Zealand Stormwater Conference.
You can download the the Powerpoint presentation (1.4mb) by clicking on this link ProjectMaitaiStormwaterConferencePresentation-JoMartinAndFriendsOfMaitai9May2016
The project itself provides a good example of how the community can actively be involved in a council-based project from decision-making to implementation, and illustrates the importance of internal cross-council collaboration to address water quality issues.
The full paper discusses the structure of the Project Maitai / Mahitahi programme, the ways in which stakeholders and community are involved, and the successes and lessons learnt to date for both water quality outcomes and project processes.
To view and then download (3.7mb) the full paper click the link below.