Great to see the Council progress on Project Maitai-Mahitahi. Council is also now consulting on the Long Term Plan, which includes funding for a review of forestry operations - much needed in our view! This is not in the consultation document, but if you want more info or would like to be part of … [Read more...]
Tree Planting Day
I joined about 10 people working together for a couple of hours on the riverbank @ 170 Nile St (the Kennedys). Our task was to clear invasive weeds to allow the regeneration of native vegetation and to plant some flax. It could have been just hard work, it wasn't, it was fun and satisfying, as … [Read more...]
Eel Translocation
Recently, Friends of the Maitai had the opportunity to help with the translocation of eels from below the Maitai Dam to the reservoir above the dam. There has been concern that eels find it difficult to negotiate the spillway, especially in dry weather, so are unable to easily access the reservoir … [Read more...]