Jane, Pat and faithful hound Archie have planted and continue to care for 11 trees just above the river side at the eastern end of Hanby Park. Their little forest is made up of 2 Tarata (Lemonwood) 2 Kahikatea (White Pine) 1 Totara, 2 Makomakos (Wineberry), 2 Kanuka (White Tea Tree), 1 Pittosporum recently planted and a Hebe. Some of the trees were supplied by the NCC, left over from another project and planted in August 2015. The flaxes were not part of the planting project as they were already on site.
Jane, Pat and their dog enjoy spending a few minutes every week or two taking time to check on the plants, mulch, clear grass and remove any invasive weeds, in this area Hemlock, Convolvulus and Old Man’s Beard. The trees are thriving.

This is a fine example of a small but vital contribution each of us can make to improve our precious Maitai. Imagine what could be achieved if every dog walker took a minute or two to pull some Old Man’s Beard.
Nelson Weed Busters recommend that any pieces of Old Man’s Beard removed need to be taken with the root ball and hung above the ground to prevent regrowth.