Kristine’s patch stretches from the Clouston Bridge downstream to the Wishing Well.
The first planting began before FOM was established in 2010 after Kristine observed erosion of both river banks occurring after heavy rains and floods and decided to do something about it. She wanted to support wildlife, beautify the area and slow the erosion.
As the area Kristine was concerned about was at the edge of a reserve, suitable plants were provided and planted by NCC however all that remains of this planting are the now well established Pittosporums high above the waters edge, the rest were unfortunately swept away in yet another flood.
The second planting was with Friends of the Maitai in 2014. NCC again supplied plants focusing on those particular to this area, Kowhai, Flax, Kanuka, Manuka, and Titoki.
So far these are thriving with a little attention periodically from FOM to remove encroaching weeds and in some cases flood debris. Those close to the top of the stop bank have been staked to ensure they are visible when the grass along pathway on top of the flood bank is cut.